Kitchen Artistry

One of my favorite TV shows is Bravo's Top Chef. I have learned to be a better home cook by watching how the cheftestants perform the various cooking techniques, listening to their critiques and that of the judges, how they combine flavors, textures and even color and presentation in the composition of their dishes, etc. I even read their blogs on the Bravo site.You might say I've been seduced by the art of it all.

It has influenced how I view my cooking and baking. I've improved the uniformity of my knife work which has really effected the "look" of my dishes. It has even altered how I view the actual ingredients. That's what I try to accomplish as an artist. I want viewers to see a subject in a way that they have never seen it before. That's happening to me each time I start to cook or bake.

I have started a series of photographs featuring the food before the meal and then transformed into the end result. This image is of a row of vibrant ripening and insanely ripe tomatoes vs. the cool-edged sleekness of the aluminum kitchen sink.